And this time, they are mine! I had recently uploaded a few pictures that I had taken in the past. If you are bored and/or have the time, do take a look at them. Needless to say, I would appreciate any suggestions/comments :-)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Hello! Guten Tag! Geia sou! Vanakkam!
Not that I have German or Greek readers, it just looked cool, so there! :-)
Anyway, it’s been a long time since I updated my blog since I got to know from a very good source (translated as blog count) that hardly anyone visits my page, so I got pretty dejected and saddened by my lack of popularity in the blog world.
Buuuut, in the end I have decided that boredom is inevitably a more powerful prodding force than I gave it credit for and here I am again, typing lame things which most probably I'll shall have to read time and again, if not for anything else, just to keep my blogspot alive and at least an inch away from complete shamedom.
Just to keep my meagre, handful of readers (who, btw, wud prob be my close frnds and wud already know most of this..)updated...and just so that I like being redundant (yea, right!) and either way, it helps waste time, lemme wrinkle my brain, squeeze it hard and see if I can come up with something to write about....
To be continued...
Not that I have German or Greek readers, it just looked cool, so there! :-)
Anyway, it’s been a long time since I updated my blog since I got to know from a very good source (translated as blog count) that hardly anyone visits my page, so I got pretty dejected and saddened by my lack of popularity in the blog world.
Buuuut, in the end I have decided that boredom is inevitably a more powerful prodding force than I gave it credit for and here I am again, typing lame things which most probably I'll shall have to read time and again, if not for anything else, just to keep my blogspot alive and at least an inch away from complete shamedom.
Just to keep my meagre, handful of readers (who, btw, wud prob be my close frnds and wud already know most of this..)updated...and just so that I like being redundant (yea, right!) and either way, it helps waste time, lemme wrinkle my brain, squeeze it hard and see if I can come up with something to write about....
To be continued...
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Pici Wiki
Check out these pics I came across on webshots.
What an explosion of colors! Gorgeous.
What I really liked about these pictures was the choice of different colors.
I have been ruminating about the kind of camera that I should buy this time. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really welcome them :-)

Check out these pics I came across on webshots.
What an explosion of colors! Gorgeous.
What I really liked about these pictures was the choice of different colors.
I have been ruminating about the kind of camera that I should buy this time. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really welcome them :-)
Friday, July 14, 2006
What not to wear
Last evening, after work, 3 of us at work were pretty bored , so we decided to go to the mall and do a bit of shopping. Went to the mall, just roamed arnd a bit..then my co workers( my imm. boss and a sr. colleague) decided that they were going to help me shop. I felt like I was suddenly pulled into an episode of 'What not to wear'( not that I got 5000 bucks to spend *sigh*) with Stacey and clinton- lookalikes advising me on what would be good on me and what would make me look like a total dump etc. It was a lotta fun. My colleagues were very sweet and they helped me choose 2 shirts, wich I got for a steal, btw.
It was a good nite....getting 2 shirts for inside $20 is not a bad way to end a day, in my books :)
Last evening, after work, 3 of us at work were pretty bored , so we decided to go to the mall and do a bit of shopping. Went to the mall, just roamed arnd a bit..then my co workers( my imm. boss and a sr. colleague) decided that they were going to help me shop. I felt like I was suddenly pulled into an episode of 'What not to wear'( not that I got 5000 bucks to spend *sigh*) with Stacey and clinton- lookalikes advising me on what would be good on me and what would make me look like a total dump etc. It was a lotta fun. My colleagues were very sweet and they helped me choose 2 shirts, wich I got for a steal, btw.
It was a good nite....getting 2 shirts for inside $20 is not a bad way to end a day, in my books :)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
roomie trouble ??
got problems with your roomie?look no further...i recently read this blog and gosh..its hilarious...I wish I had seen it when I was with my old roomie...ahh..the things I could've done!
do chk it out though...its a good laugh. click here
got problems with your roomie?look no further...i recently read this blog and gosh..its hilarious...I wish I had seen it when I was with my old roomie...ahh..the things I could've done!
do chk it out though...its a good laugh. click here
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Blank Noise
I know the only visitor to this corner of cyberspace wud most probably be myself..but on the offchance that someone , unbelievably bored, happens to look at this blog and good gosh, even take the time to read it, there is a topic that is close to my heart that I would like to mention here. Blank Noise Project. Please visit That site was created to bring awareness about sexual harrasement on women in India and how rampant it is. If you are in India and the various blogs posted on the blank noise project blog-a-thon move you enough to want to participate or if can just spread the word...either way, it makes a difference.
Do look it up if you get some time.
oh..and if u r reeeallly interested, this one too :-)
- Courtesy Blank Noise Project
I know the only visitor to this corner of cyberspace wud most probably be myself..but on the offchance that someone , unbelievably bored, happens to look at this blog and good gosh, even take the time to read it, there is a topic that is close to my heart that I would like to mention here. Blank Noise Project. Please visit That site was created to bring awareness about sexual harrasement on women in India and how rampant it is. If you are in India and the various blogs posted on the blank noise project blog-a-thon move you enough to want to participate or if can just spread the word...either way, it makes a difference.
Do look it up if you get some time.
oh..and if u r reeeallly interested, this one too :-)
You are not looking decent, I mean you are looking fat, you are not looking very nice, I think you should change."
“ It does not suit you, this dress does not suit you.”
“ Wear what you want! You just want to be leched at right?”
“ Gosh! Look at her, she’s so cheap, why does she bother wearing anything, she would rather be naked.”
“ Dressed like a slut man! Total slut!”
“ Lipstick? I think it’s too much. People will think you’re a slut!”
“ But I was wearing something completely normal and it had frills on the top.”
“ Tie your hair. You must look neat.”
“ Please wear a slip over the bra. Your school uniform is transparent. It does not look nice.”
“ The skirt is too short. You can wear shorts if you like, but not a skirt.”
“ How come you wear only salwar kameez these days?”
“ I was in school, I remember my green pt uniform and the stranger in the bus put his dirty hands in my clothes.”
“ I started dressing more androgynous. People didn’t know whether I was man or woman.”
“ I wear what I want, nothing happens to me, I don’t know why you make such an issue out of this, I mean , why do you want to travel by bus anyways?”
“ This girl is crazy! She is screaming!”
“ Don’t talk back! Don’t you dare answer back!”
“ It was just an accident.”
“ “ What law can stop a man from talking to a woman? Take me to the police station, let me see what anyone can do. I just asked you out for coffee”
“ I think you are beautiful. I have two eyes. I will stare at you.”
“ Why do you look at them in the eyes. Best is to look down and walk. Avoid it.”
“ I carry a safety pin.”
“ I put my huge knapsack in front of me and walk in peace.”
“ But it was only a crush. I was staring at you because it was a crush.”
“ Please don’t do this to me, I am a father of two children. I am sorry I wont do it again.”
“ I am allergic to women in pants. It is against our culture.”
“I have a dupatta?”
I ask for it because I have a body with breasts that I should feel ashamed of?
I ask for it because you think there are good girls and bad girls, decent girls and indecent girls?
I ask for it because you think I am attractive?
Eve teasing it is, a joke, a prank that designs, shapes, structures our daily lives:
Who we are, where we go, what we wear, how we sit, stand, talk, walk in our very own cities. When we demand the need to make our cities non threatening , I don’t expect anyone to think of me as their sister or mother, but to really look at women as citizens who have every right to be out on the streets, without any explanation. Sometimes we just love to walk, stand around, hang around, without looking ‘avaliable.’
- Courtesy Blank Noise Project
its been awhile since i blogged..its the same old story...nothin' much going on in my life that was worth talking about blah blah. But there is something bothering me today and I thought it would be nice to write it down...for most of the times, I believe I am a pretty simple that, I mean that my thought process, my reaction towards things are very motto..keep it simple! I mean, for instance, if someone tells me that this is what they had thought and that is y they behaved in someway, I believe them. There is no two way abt it for me. Its like if someone gives me an explanation abt sumthing, I believe it and move on. That's it. No more regurgitating/rehashing of the same topic. But I have discovered that its not the same with others. Its not that I really blame anyone...everyone is different, right?..but rankles. y is it that I am not treated with the same belief that I show them? Or even if they say they do believe, they dont move on...y??? i dont gettit...i just dont!
its been awhile since i blogged..its the same old story...nothin' much going on in my life that was worth talking about blah blah. But there is something bothering me today and I thought it would be nice to write it down...for most of the times, I believe I am a pretty simple that, I mean that my thought process, my reaction towards things are very motto..keep it simple! I mean, for instance, if someone tells me that this is what they had thought and that is y they behaved in someway, I believe them. There is no two way abt it for me. Its like if someone gives me an explanation abt sumthing, I believe it and move on. That's it. No more regurgitating/rehashing of the same topic. But I have discovered that its not the same with others. Its not that I really blame anyone...everyone is different, right?..but rankles. y is it that I am not treated with the same belief that I show them? Or even if they say they do believe, they dont move on...y??? i dont gettit...i just dont!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Speaking of movies, which it looks like is all I ever do...but hey, its my blog, aint it!?!....
I watched this french movie called Amelie(subtitles ofc)...its one cool movie, man! the girl in the movie is a real whacko actually cor...the entire movie itself is totally whacky...i shud prob. see it again to completely get all the different parts of it. on the whole a real sweet movie. the protagonist , Amelie is almost like a fairytale character. She gets bored with her mundane life, (oh and the things she comes up with to keep herself from getting bored..whacko other word for it..toally whacko) she starts to interfere in straightening other ppl's life and makes them feel happy.
And the!! so was an explosion of reds and greens and oranges...ooh..and the I cud take a tour of france, if possible in a TVS champ..sigh..there was this one scene where Amelie opens her window...looked like it was plucked straight out of a painting and plopped into the frame...beautiful..wish I cud learn how to take pictures that way...even what Amelie was wearing is coordinated to be so aesthetically tasteful to the eyes...too good. great piano bg music too.
oh and for those who have seen the travelocity ad where a garden gnome goes globe trotting..i am guessing its been done after this movie.
Do see if you can chk this movie out...if at all u enjoy a whacky sense of humor, you shud feel right at home!
I watched this french movie called Amelie(subtitles ofc)...its one cool movie, man! the girl in the movie is a real whacko actually cor...the entire movie itself is totally whacky...i shud prob. see it again to completely get all the different parts of it. on the whole a real sweet movie. the protagonist , Amelie is almost like a fairytale character. She gets bored with her mundane life, (oh and the things she comes up with to keep herself from getting bored..whacko other word for it..toally whacko) she starts to interfere in straightening other ppl's life and makes them feel happy.
And the!! so was an explosion of reds and greens and oranges...ooh..and the I cud take a tour of france, if possible in a TVS champ..sigh..there was this one scene where Amelie opens her window...looked like it was plucked straight out of a painting and plopped into the frame...beautiful..wish I cud learn how to take pictures that way...even what Amelie was wearing is coordinated to be so aesthetically tasteful to the eyes...too good. great piano bg music too.
oh and for those who have seen the travelocity ad where a garden gnome goes globe trotting..i am guessing its been done after this movie.
Do see if you can chk this movie out...if at all u enjoy a whacky sense of humor, you shud feel right at home!
Creepy liking
what is it about ghost movies? why do people like to be scared? How can someone enjoyy the feeling of someone or some...thing as the case mabbe creeping up on you and scaring the daylights out of you??
dangit...mabbe I'm just not like others...mabbe I'm the only one who thinks its a waste of my time and that I can rather spend it sleeping or reading a book (:-)) that sounds nice..I'll prob. go do just that...meanwhile, for those interested, chk out this link
what is it about ghost movies? why do people like to be scared? How can someone enjoyy the feeling of someone or some...thing as the case mabbe creeping up on you and scaring the daylights out of you??
dangit...mabbe I'm just not like others...mabbe I'm the only one who thinks its a waste of my time and that I can rather spend it sleeping or reading a book (:-)) that sounds nice..I'll prob. go do just that...meanwhile, for those interested, chk out this link
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Whew! I am, back with a list of things to crib about...
Had a pretty hectic week..I had this huge project that I had to get done by the middle of this week and I was really pushing myself to meet the deadline.But now that it is over, I feel strangely flat... probably am just missing the ardrenaline rush, I guess.
oh, I also turned a year older this week. That's the other thing I wanted to b'day was alarmingly normal..atleast I got to cut a cake and I got a few gifts frm frnds but apart from that, it was just another day...I remember how it used to be when I was a kid...I used to get so excited abt my bday for days before...then on that day, my mom used to wake me up with a kiss and a smile, I got to wear new clothes and go arnd the neighbourhood with a box of candies to distribute and ofc flaunt my new dress wich everyone wud oooh and aahhh over. sigh...those were days...atleast if I cant be a kid again, I wish I was home with my mom and my frnds...anything is better than being in this strange country with nobody arnd you.
Anyway, that's life I guess. Whoever said that it wud get easier as we grew older was prob. a kid... I am, back with a list of things to crib about...
Had a pretty hectic week..I had this huge project that I had to get done by the middle of this week and I was really pushing myself to meet the deadline.But now that it is over, I feel strangely flat... probably am just missing the ardrenaline rush, I guess.
oh, I also turned a year older this week. That's the other thing I wanted to b'day was alarmingly normal..atleast I got to cut a cake and I got a few gifts frm frnds but apart from that, it was just another day...I remember how it used to be when I was a kid...I used to get so excited abt my bday for days before...then on that day, my mom used to wake me up with a kiss and a smile, I got to wear new clothes and go arnd the neighbourhood with a box of candies to distribute and ofc flaunt my new dress wich everyone wud oooh and aahhh over. sigh...those were days...atleast if I cant be a kid again, I wish I was home with my mom and my frnds...anything is better than being in this strange country with nobody arnd you.
Anyway, that's life I guess. Whoever said that it wud get easier as we grew older was prob. a kid...
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Haunting Melody
I've recenty been hooked onto this song by Shubha is a song called :Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi-2'. The song was earlier sung by Jagjit Singh, another of my favorite singers. There are some songs that stay with you long after you hear it...this is one such song...there is a poem that is also recited along with mudghal's haunting voice which adds another dimension to the song. Do listen to it here and tell me what you think.
I've recenty been hooked onto this song by Shubha is a song called :Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi-2'. The song was earlier sung by Jagjit Singh, another of my favorite singers. There are some songs that stay with you long after you hear it...this is one such song...there is a poem that is also recited along with mudghal's haunting voice which adds another dimension to the song. Do listen to it here and tell me what you think.
Friday, April 07, 2006
I recently got a DVD of 'The Signs' from a co-worker and was building up my courage to watch it. I was quite enthusiastic about it though coz I had watched M.Night Shyamalan's 'The Sixth Sense' and I loved that movie. I was very impressed with his storyline and was expecting something along the same lines for 'The Signs'.
But, now, you should know that I am a girl who normally enjoys comedies, romance(duh!) and action movies more than thrillers and ghost movies. So, well...just bcoz of the 6th sense, I gave myself a good pep talk that was something in the lines of "be brave girl...its just a silly scary movie etc.." and got ready to play the movie. I couldn't ask for a better setting...there I was, all by myself..(me who is a trifle weak-hearted wen it comes to horror movies, I admit) sitting in my dark living room with a storm ravaging outside..doing its best to create as much lightening and thunder as possible...oh and yes...the wind was moaning n howling like a dog with its tail on fire, frequently rattling all the windows n doors of my apt. ..ah...u get the picture now..don't u??
well..then...the movie started gr8...pretty decent...and I thot to myself...bah! this isn't so bad..I can watch this...the plot was abt some aliens and I smirked to myself and I thot...i know how this works, the movie will turn out to be not at all abt aliens...all this is just a ploy..etc and then a stupid alien who is really an alien had to come in and spoil the movie...oh and err.. make me jump on my sofa a few times too..:D
anyway, the entire movie turned out to be a total sop..oh..wat a let down..the alien was actually an alien, the moral of the story was err...drink lots of water and don't finish ur glass or was it live near a sea/ lake? dunno..!
grrrh..the one time I grit my teeth to watch a thriller/ horror kinds movie...and the movie was so lame...
I shud prob. scratch out 'The village' from my list of 2C movies, I guess. Sigh!!
I recently got a DVD of 'The Signs' from a co-worker and was building up my courage to watch it. I was quite enthusiastic about it though coz I had watched M.Night Shyamalan's 'The Sixth Sense' and I loved that movie. I was very impressed with his storyline and was expecting something along the same lines for 'The Signs'.
But, now, you should know that I am a girl who normally enjoys comedies, romance(duh!) and action movies more than thrillers and ghost movies. So, well...just bcoz of the 6th sense, I gave myself a good pep talk that was something in the lines of "be brave girl...its just a silly scary movie etc.." and got ready to play the movie. I couldn't ask for a better setting...there I was, all by myself..(me who is a trifle weak-hearted wen it comes to horror movies, I admit) sitting in my dark living room with a storm ravaging outside..doing its best to create as much lightening and thunder as possible...oh and yes...the wind was moaning n howling like a dog with its tail on fire, frequently rattling all the windows n doors of my apt. ..ah...u get the picture now..don't u??
well..then...the movie started gr8...pretty decent...and I thot to myself...bah! this isn't so bad..I can watch this...the plot was abt some aliens and I smirked to myself and I thot...i know how this works, the movie will turn out to be not at all abt aliens...all this is just a ploy..etc and then a stupid alien who is really an alien had to come in and spoil the movie...oh and err.. make me jump on my sofa a few times too..:D
anyway, the entire movie turned out to be a total sop..oh..wat a let down..the alien was actually an alien, the moral of the story was err...drink lots of water and don't finish ur glass or was it live near a sea/ lake? dunno..!
grrrh..the one time I grit my teeth to watch a thriller/ horror kinds movie...and the movie was so lame...
I shud prob. scratch out 'The village' from my list of 2C movies, I guess. Sigh!!
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