Bus, BART and Beyond!Don't get me wrong. I really like this place but I think I have definitely earned the right to crib about my commute. I live in Fremont but my work is in Sausalito. So that is basically a 2.5 hrs commute one-way. Here's the lowdown on my daily schedule:
6ish(6.00AM-6.15AM) -drag myself out of bed
7.12AM- Leave home. With a lot of enthusiasm, I bought myself a bicycle to bike to the BART station but then, apparently a connoisseur of bicycle seats decided that he HAD to add mine to his collection and so now my bike is without a seat. I take the
bus to the BART station.
BART. That's when I catch the train to SF. And my latest skill? sleeping in trains. I am quite proud of it :). I close my eyes, pretend that I am still tucked in bed, all that rush of waking up at a god forsaken hour, getting ready n the dash to catch the train was just the nightmare it really is and Voila! it works! Zzzzz...
Beyond. This is the last phase of my epic journey that I undertake everyday where I go beyond SanFran, beyond the lovely Golden Gate bridge. Gripe : I get to wait in a stinking rat hole they call a bus stop. Seriously, someone needs to do something about that place. It is very close to the Civic center, basically in what they call the tenderloin district but even so, this is nuts! There is a public toilet right across the street. I guess when you are drunk, everything appears as what you want them to be. It is probably like being in a "happy potty" novel.
9.20AM- Yeah, it takes almost an hour to get from downtown san Francisco to work.
So basically almost 2.5 hrs of commute. Yikes! And I do the same in the evening.
Today was the most frustrating day. It was raining pretty heavily...I was completely drenched. I missed my train, the bus did not show up, had to run 2 blocks up and down in the rain trying to hail a cab and reached work sopping wet...and late.
Anywayz, I still think I got a good deal just living in the bay area. No complaints. Just minor rants.
Stay dry.