Friday, February 15, 2008

And V for..?

Another valentine's day rolled by. Nothing great to report this year either..oh well!

• Found this pic of the google logo for V-day. I love google art.

• San Francisco had its annual pillow fight at the ferry building yesterday. Hitting perfect strangers with pillows??..oh this city is nuts! :)

• Heard that most restaurants were totally booked in the city and if you did manage to make a reservation, you would end up spending on an average around $89 per person! Sheesh..A romantic dinner at home has gotten a whole new meaning, hasn't it?

• Had a busy day at work yesterday but stopped by Twin peaks on the way home. Blessed with a clear sky, I was able to see the entire city spread out below me. It was just gorgeous. Nice way to unwind :).

• Came across this article on the web: Seven-day weekend? Count me in!

1 comment:

Deepak Yeshwanth said...

Pillow fight poniya???????