Yaay, Kayaking! Clear blue sky, cool breeze, silence, the sun glinting off the water and not to mention the seals...its fun :). I was initially apprehensive about kayaking in the sea coz I don't know swimming and I did not want to embarrass myself in front of my team mates. But..well, it all turned out good and I am glad I went for it. Check out my activity on the right (you gotta click on the pic).
Other updates this week- (same old commuting woes): Chased after a book given by my boss that I so thoughtlessly left on the bus (thank you iphone), woke up at a god forsaken hour in the morning to get to work early..only to sleep on the train all the way to daly city and end up taking my usual bus to work..grrgh! I am seriously hoping my work situation improves by the end of the month when my company moves into the city for real. for real, real.
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